Friday, May 31, 2013

Freebie Friday 4

More DM Freebies

The 3D artist team DM offers another excellent free model they call the Stair Wall

Available at

If we start with Fiery Genesis like we have before and then add the Stairwall, we can see chances for some good scenes right away

Lets add in another Stairwall and Y rotate 90 and align them so that we have a corner and the possibilities go way up.

This set is good for dramatic lighting as well.

When a piece is a high quality stand alone, often it is also an excellent high quality component of a larger construction.

Here I combined several Stairwalls with a Chapel (see Freebie Friday 3) to make a set as complex and rewarding as some expensive props.

Here is a list of the contents of my "Castle"

Because the pieces are so compelling the combination has many view points for your dramatic scenes or stories

By turning strategically placed elements the set can have many more rooms/scenes than a simple building alone.

<< r15 >>  << r16 >>

Although this isn't technically a freebie, I want to alert you to an chance at a great bargain.  Recently, at a Friends of the Library sale, I picked up a copy of Les Pardew's book about DAZ Studio for $2.00.  It has a DVD containing V3/M3 A3/H3  A4/H4 V4.2/M4.2 and a few clothes and props.  This is the first edition and although the text is solid it is somewhat out of date.  There is a second edition which is a better book, but does not contain any models.  So, if you shop for used books, you might just get very lucky.